About Us
Brand Overview & History
Like many great discoveries, the power of GroNexus to regrow hair came about by chance. Scientists discovered that the plant ingredients in Gronexus, being studied for other indications, actually showed signs of regrowing hair. This was an important discovery for millions of people experiencing hair loss.
Scientists, then began studying the use of topical Gronexus solution on the scalp. Shortly after, results showed that the regular daily use of GroNexus could successfully regrow hair. That led to the product innovation of an all plant based powerful formula in GroNexus to provide hair regrowth benefits for both men and women with hair loss due to stress, environment, heredity and age. Today, GroNexus is the only natural topical elixir used in a number of Dermatologic offices, Spas and Resorts around the world.
With more products in the pipeline, we are excited to bring our products directly to you via our online store. We are proud to help our customers with thinning hair issues obtain successful results and making a profound difference in their lives.